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- Membership OfferSep 28, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDTZoom Virtual WorkshopAre you getting quality sleep? You deserve to wake up refreshed. While you sleep, your body removes waste from your daily activities, solidifies memories, repairs damaged cells, and constructs new muscles. Poor sleep leads to poor health. Make the most of your snooze with helpful tips from Dr. Jen!
- Membership Offer
- Membership OfferDate and time is TBDTimpany Center, San Jose, 730 Empey Way, San Jose, CA 95128, USAHealth expert Dr. Jen PT will guide you through a head-to-toe immersive learning experience like you've never experienced before. Movement meets mindfulness. Stimulate your brain and body. Live your best life for the rest of your life. All levels welcome.
- Membership Offer
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